Sideline Stories: Stacey Dow & the FEEDME 5K! Maine State Credit Unions’ Campaign to End Hunger
Maine State Credit Unions’ FEEDME5K to End Hunger in Maine, is more than just a 5K walk. This event was established, in an attempt to bring awareness to food insecurity in the State of Maine. The FEEDME5K brings out like-minded folks who wish to make a difference in their communities. The hunger issue in Maine is sad and very real. Hunger is not just about the poor homeless folks you see on the streets. Food insecurity is EVERYWHERE. It is all around us. It is in our neighborhoods, in our schools, our workplaces, etc. Food insecurity does not discriminate and is invisible to many of us.
I am passionate about the FEEDME5K and MSCU’s Campaign to End Hunger, for many reasons. The main reason is my belief that NO ONE deserves to go hungry. EVERYONE deserves the basic necessity of food, to sustain life.
I am very blessed to work for an organization like MSCU, which sees the importance of helping the people in the community around them. MSCU views the Ending Hunger work, such as the FEEDME5K, as equally as our day-to-day operations. Honestly, the work we do to raise awareness and money for Ending Hunger is some of the most important work we do!
An event like the FEEDME5K is a huge part of our efforts to raise money for ending hunger in Maine. It is our largest fundraiser of the year. One of the best parts is the fact that most of the hunger organizations we contribute to participate in this event. They not only participate, but they challenge each other and typically end up raising $20K-$30K themselves! The hunger organizations actually inspire the employees of MSCU to want to help even more.
Participating in FEEDME5K, not only brings in money for the various hunger organizations, it brings HOPE. In difficult times, sometimes all we have is hope, to help sustain us, to never give up. The people that choose to collect pledges or sponsor the FEEDME5K are also providing hope. Even people, who stop in at the event and can’t afford to donate, are providing hope. They are showing support and love and understanding and empathy for our neighbors in need, a gesture of simple human kindness.
To me, the word hope means many things. The obvious hope we provide is FOOD. We are giving people H.O.P.E., or Helping Other People Eat. However, HOPE means so much more, depending on who you are.
Hope is given to children in school, who may have their last meal of the day at lunch. The afterschool meal programs and backpack programs bring these children HOPE; knowing they won’t go to bed hungry gives them hope. It also brings them hope for the future, that their growing bodies and minds will be adequately nourished for the best chance for proper learning and proper behavior.
Hope is given to elderly housebound folks, our parents, grandparents, or neighbors who may have limited funds to pay for bills, heat, and medication. The anticipation of a delivery from a meal on wheels program gives them HOPE. A visit provides not only food for their bodies, but much-needed human contact to nourish their spirit and sometimes lonely hearts.
Hope is brought to some of our homeless people. HOPE comes in the form of knowing they will be able to step into a soup kitchen and get out of the cold for a warm meal on a frigid day. This small glimmer of HOPE could be just what they needed to keep them going for another day.
MSCU’s FEEDME5K, is a short walk, with a huge impact. Participants in this event will be surrounded by smiling faces, warm hearts, laughter, and vibes of gratitude. MSCU’s FEEDME5K is a true example of the credit union philosophy of, ‘people helping people.’
For more information visit MSCU’s website